Wednesday, November 12, 2014


Having you in my life makes me feel more than alive; is like having that last piece of the puzzle,  the one that makes it all complete. 
It's hard not to believe in destiny when I'm so sure fate brought us here.  

Every time we talk I feel this connection,  this need to be with you,  to hold you,  cherish you, to let you feel my body as I feel yours. 
Hearing your voice and seeing you makes it more real; the beating of my heart gets stronger, the blood rushes fiercely through my veins making me feel warm and in need of your touch. 

There are times when I'm shaking so much I can barely speak,  all I can do is feel,  let that connection between us take control and picture you here with me, doing every single thing we say,  letting you see my need for you, for your touch and this crazy kind of love are real.  

Hopefully fate will let us share more than just this, for I cannot conceive the idea of living my life without knowing how it would be to feel your desire buried inside of me, taking what's yours and giving me what's mine even if it's just for a brief moment in time.

Sunday, July 27, 2014


I don't remember much of your face, I guess time has shadowed your features. At times, I believe I've forgotten everything but the memories strike me again,  like a lost lighting searching for the lost storm… my mind finds those eyes filled with desire, undressing me and touching me, owing me with just one glance,  making my skin shiver,  making me long for your hands and their touch. 

The way your lips were half parted while your eyes were set on my mouth & your thumb was tracing my bottom lip making me exhale, trembling,  almost begging you to seal my agony with your kisses… 
Your nose inhaling my scent, your breathing & the warmth of our bodies still fully clothed but so naked in our minds, burning, wanting. Your voice whispering dreams, creating secrets & locking you in my mind, engraving your name in my soul forever. 

I might have forgotten your face but not  what you made me feel, your scent is still lingering in me,  drowning me, dragging me back to the nights where your arms were my haven. 

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Hectic Thoughts

Note to "YOU":
Consider this to be a compilation of thoughts & feelings stored in the depths of my mind. 
The way we "met" couldn't have been more random, definitely a proof that destiny does exist. 
Back then I didn't imagine what you could ever mean to me; how a game, a challenging question and a silly answer would be the beginning of a new chapter in the book of my life. I'm writing to let these feelings get out of my mind, to let you read what I don't dare to share. 

I love you in several ways, especially when I'm alone. 
I love you all the time, every day since the -only- time I saw your smiling face. I love you ever since even though I shouldn't. 

I love you when you're busy, when you're distant, when you're away… I love you all the time cuz no matter where you are, you are here, inside of my mind, inside of my heart. I love you before I close my eyes when I'm ready to fall asleep. I love you when all these feelings gather in my head and I cannot sleep. I love you when I wake up and I start wondering if you'll show up. 
I love you when I'm busy and suddenly my phone let's me know you're there. I love you when I wake up and the blue light is on, huge smile on my face cuz you thought of me before falling asleep. I love you cuz you're funny, sweet and crazy. I love you cuz you make me feel beautiful.

I love you cuz your hands haven't been on me and I swear you already own my body. I love you cuz your mind connects with mine in a mysterious and magical way and I feel like I've known you forever. I love you even though you went away and I tried to pretend you didn't exist. I love you cuz I feel it's a blessing to have met you.

I love you cuz when you came back it was like if you have never left. I love you cuz we might not be meant for "do or die" but we were meant to "this".  I love you even when I know you're not being honest, I love you even though it hurts.
I love you in secret; I love you when I'm listening to music, reading or whenever I'm writing. I love you now when I know we haven't met. I love you now when I'm afraid to show you this. I love you in many ways, some might be good, some might be bad, but I love you with honesty. 

I love you in my dreams, the ones I dream while being awake. I love you in my fantasies, in my stories, in our messages.
I love you when you're with her or when I'm with him cuz it's not about them but about all this. 
I love you cuz you aren't real, cuz this version of you exists only in me.
I love you in the only way I know; I love you in silence and with all my words.

I hope my words aren't much more than you can take. I just got so many "I love you's" stored in my head and I needed them out. If this whole thing is indeed too much, just remember to be gentle as I'm not the kind of woman who vents her feelings that easily.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Deepest shade of blue...

December was a tough month for me, I guess most of the issues I've been denying in the past just came up to slap me hard on the face.

Dunno exactly what's "wrong" or what's bothering me the most... it could be the fact that I'm getting older and I'm still stuck in puberty when it comes to certain things; it could be that at times I feel like I've lost my identity cuz now I'm Mrs instead of Miss, cuz now I'm the mom of and not just myself... 

It's all bloody unclear to me cuz on one side I'm grateful for everything I've got, God has been extremely good to me, I cannot complain and I know I should feel ecstatic and unbelievably blessed... but on the other side I feel shattered, afraid, lost and even empty at times...

Last April when I visited my family in Mexicali, I realized how everything had changed, how much I had missed, how much I miss every single day. It broke my heart to know that my grandpa finally looks like a grandpa; that my mom is tired and in desperate need of some awesome holidays; that my nieces and nephews are growing so fast; that my cousins don't really know what to talk to me about cuz we've gone in different paths and we simply don't know each other anymore; that the only friends I have there are the ones I keep in touch with via Facebook or WhatsApp; that I've missed both joy and sadness, laughter and tears, that my choice of moving my life to The Netherlands separated me forever from the ones I grew up with...

Sometimes I feel I have no ground anymore, I'll always be too Mexican for Dutchieland and way too European for Mexico. If "Home is where the heart is" then I dunno where my place is anymore. Right now my chest feels empty, I feel homeless. 

I hope January and 2014 bring me back to the ground, so far I'm experiencing a difficult start but at least I've accepted the fact that it was my choice and I have no regrets in that matter, I simply wish I could visit more often, that whenever I get the chance to be there with them, they could see how much it means to me to be able to visit and how much I like to pretend I'm back "home".

Tuesday, November 19, 2013


I wonder why I keep on trying to have something with you we'll obviously never have. I don't know how to be myself around you cuz most of the times it seems like I'm being rejected, simply not accepted. 
During all the time we've been together I've tried and done my best to adapt to your life, culture and surroundings. It's been bloody hard to feel I've done it all in vain.
You might wonder why, well I know this isn't a competition but I do believe we haven't been that even. 

I'm running out of words, which is so weird in me. I miss the person I used to be but I'm afraid of being romantic, silly & playful around you cuz your reactions aren't what I'd like to see, guess I'm the one to blame cuz I knew things could be that way and still I went for "this". I don't regret the time we've shared but I'm not sure I'm gonna be capable of enduring much more of what you call love as our visions and meanings of that word are so totally different.

Wish we could find a middle ground, a place where I could look at you and be able to match your words with your actions.
I'm sorry if my actions are nothing but reactions to your strange way of showing me you care. I wish I was easier, I wish I'd need less, I wish I didn't care but I do.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

"Relato de un eclipse"

Hace casi diez años escribí esto. Tiene errores y cosas que podría corregir pero prefiero dejarlo tal y como es, porque fue así como lo escribí.

No creí que fuera verdad que existen momentos escritos en las estrellas; no lo creía y a veces quisiera poder decir que no sé si fue bueno creerlo. No buscaba nada, al menos no contigo, al menos no en ti, o bueno, al menos eso creí. Iba sólo soñando, pensando en mi cielo, en ese que existe en mi mundo, el mundo azul que sólo existe en mi universo. Iba intentando descubrir señales, algo que me dijera que sí existe el destino; una palabra que me supiera a verdad; una verdad que no se volviera mentira; una mentira que tarde o temprano me lastimaría.

        Caminaba en mi mundo azul por algún sendero de mi solitario existir, pensando sólo en destino, pensando sólo en vivir. A veces creo que me perdí, pero sé que no fue así, al menos no hasta que me enamoré de ti. Los caminos suelen ser largos y los senderos de soledad y de tristeza -que a veces parecen ser interminables y en verdad llegan a ser insoportables- absorbían mi sentir; pero al andar entre ellos, vagando por su inmensa obscuridad recordé mis ganas de soñar, mis ganas de creer que todo puede cambiar, y fue entonces que me topé con una vereda, un pequeño sendero en el que sí podía ver mi andar. No sé por cuanto tiempo caminé en él y mucho menos sé explicar en que momento entraste también tú en esa vereda –después de todo yo tan sólo iba caminando por mi mundo, soñando y pensando, mirando mi cielo en mi pequeño universo, tan sólo queriendo creer en destino, tan sólo esperando encontrar la luz que me dejara ver todo lo que yo llevaba conmigo-. Yo que siempre fui noche no pude evitar lo atrayente de nuestro encuentro; tanta luz me embelesó, tu sol simplemente me cegó. No pensé que la noche y el día pudieran unirse en mi vida. Llegaste de pronto a mi mundo y lo eclipsaste; por un corto tiempo tu sol y mi luna nos dejaron ver lo mejor, y al final también lo peor de los dos.

        Tu sol me mostró mi ser; me enseñó que puedo llegar a ser mucho más de lo que todos quieren y pueden ver, y que existen dentro de mi mil sentimientos y sensaciones que puedo compartir. Mi universo se volvió tu terreno, mi azul mundo tu guarida, y tal vez fue así porque también tú huías de la soledad; en realidad sólo sé que te quedaste ahí conmigo y que junto a mi también fuiste feliz; y así como tu sol se volvió mi luz, mi luna se tornó en tu reflejo, el espejo en que te podías ver sin máscaras.

        En mi mundo encontraste el lugar en el que nadie te exigía nada, y por un tiempo nos dejamos llevar por esos momentos. Me aferré a ti porque ya no quería ser sólo una noche más; me gustó ser tu noche y que tú fueras mi día. Ese eclipse me dejó lo que hasta hoy ha sido mi mayor pasión, los recuerdos de todos esos momentos en los que mi corazón y todo mi ser por primera vez amó.

        Mientras estuviste en mi mundo supe que no le temía a la oscuridad, sino al encontrar tanta luz y aprender a resplandecer, para luego quedarme de nuevo en medio de la oscuridad pero ya sin el destello del que fue mi sol, y aprender a brillar siendo sólo luna, una luna que fase tras fase busca sentirse completa sabiendo que ya sólo brilla  porque descubrió y vivió el amor cuando dejó que aquel sol entrara e iluminara su corazón.

        Tal vez tu sol siga brillando -porque un sol no ocupa de una luna para hacerlo- mientras que esta luna ya no brilla por la luz de ese sol, ahora sólo lo hace por la luz que el recuerdo de ese sol dejó por siempre en su interior. Tu sol eclipsará más vidas y aprenderá –si sabe ser inteligente- de sus reflejos en algún otro universo. Tal vez se topará siempre con lunas –ya que le gusta ser quien más brilla- pero en algún momento se dará cuenta de que su destino no está en iluminar las noches oscuras, sino en aprender a convivir con otros como él, otros que sólo saben ser día.

        Espero que aquel que fue mi sol no se tope con un sol que se sepa y crea más brillante que él porque entonces –a base de llanto y penas- aprenderá que al querer ser sólo día uno de los dos soles deberá ceder y dejar de brillar ya que sólo hay lugar para uno en el día; tendrá que dejar atrás su altanería y descubrirá que no es el deslumbrar lo que te hace amarlo, sino la capacidad de destellar sin lastimar cuando se deja ver eclipsado.

        En mi pequeño universo se encuentra mi mundo tan azul como siempre, y ahí permanece guardado ese fragmento de nuestras vidas en el que juntos sincronizamos el tiempo y logramos juntos un eclipse que pudo llegar a ser perfecto. Sigo siendo noche –y aunque cambiante fase tras fase- mi luna sigue brillando bien, bien y ya sin ti; descubrió después de mucho llorar que a ella no le interesa ser sólo el reflejo de una luz que ama ser cegadora; a esa luna le gusta más iluminar tan sólo un poco la oscuridad que es parte de su noche porque le fascina ver las estrellas y buscar en ellas ese escrito en donde de verdad se leen fragmentos del destino y de la perfección que puede vivirse y sentirse en un fugaz, mágico e inolvidable momento en el tiempo.

        En el que un día también fue tu universo, aquel en el que construimos un mundo nuevo, descifré lo que había estado escrito no sé por cuanto tiempo en mi cielo. Supe del sol que me ayudaría a encontrar mi luna para que mi noche no volviera a estar oscura, ese sol que eclipsaría con amor y con pasión mi vida; y ahora sé bien porque dejé atrás ese sendero de soledad y de tristeza y me permití disfrutar de lo mágico de aquella nueva vereda, esa en la que me topé con la luz de tu sol; en donde me dejé llevar guiándome sólo por las ganas de creer que era posible que siendo yo noche y tu día nuestra necesidad de amar, de sentir y de dejar sólo de existir para aprender a vivir dejara que un eclipse uniera –aunque sólo por un fragmento de tiempo- tu vida y la mía.

        Yo siempre seré noche, y tú seguirás siendo día y sé que ambos nos encontraremos –en algún otro momento de nuestras vidas- con quien dejar de ser noche y día para compartir juntos un eclipse que dure toda una vida.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Of bubbles & more...

Feelings & emotions are strange things that accumulate in your mind and heart for a reason. Sometimes the reason disappears but the feelings remain causing pain and then memories. 
When you keep a lot of things in the depths of your heart -memories that belong only to you & to the one you've shared 'em with- it can be so hard to just let 'em go, therefore you let 'em there, you let 'em linger... but then there are those times when you wish so bad to relive certain moments, the chance to turn some memories into dreams... 

Have you ever had a constant dream for months, a dream that was far from pleasant because it started nice and always ended sad? Always same pattern, you and him wanting to talk and then you just couldn't understand what he wanted to say & then things changed and the chance was gone, just as he was. Waking up just to know he's not longer part of your life.

Time passes and all of the sudden you're writing things you never sent, finding yourself doodling his name without even realizing what you were doing; thinking over and over again about the last moment, wondering what you did wrong to send him away. Accumulating questions without answers, simply hating the awfully loud silence...
Time tames an aching heart and you just let everything hanging there, at times you even think you've forgotten all about it, you feel like it just doesn't matter anymore. Guess you try to ignore as you've been ignored. 

Have you ever felt all those feelings reappear by just a simple message? Just few words that probably mean nothing to someone else, but to you they meant he thought of you, that he also saved some memories. Funny how you can't help to feel so happy but so scared of replying because you don't want to spoil the moment, you don't want to say the wrong thing and see him go again. You plan you message thinking of a neutral way of saying you care without caring too much, you delete it and type it again, you press send and your heart becomes a mess, suddenly you are in the hands of uncertainty and all you can do is wait, wait to see if he'll reply or if he just needed to know you were still alive. Time passes so slowly you start to think you've missed the chance, you were too late... and then you get what you've been wanting, his words are back, your smile is back, the feelings are back but in a twist of emotions you just don't know what to say or do, you just shut down and go with the flow, you promise yourself you'll be honest and just say whatever you're thinking. Hoping this isn't a joke, hoping his feelings are as real as yours are.
At the end you realize you're going to do whatever your heart tells you to 'cause what matters is that he's there for you as he once was and you let his words soothe your mind because suddenly your soul feels complete again. 
Somehow he's that to you, the weird link to a missing part of yourself. Your soul feels alive 'cause he brings back things you can only feel whenever he's around, the clear bond of soulmates.